2008年9月22日 星期一

Apache https://localhost setup

It's been a painful process to go though the setup of wamp apache https://localhost. I searched web, experimented and got some clues.
  • Wamp apache set up: follow the instruction of http://www.wampserver.com/phorum/read.php?2,32986,page=1 . It tells you how to set up a crt (signed certificate) step by step. One point missed in the instruction is the common name, that has to be set as localhost. So you won't see many error message in your err_openssl_log.
  • Broswer set up: I tested Firefox and IE. Firefox needs to add an CA agent. You can do this by (T)ool->(O)ption-> (S)->CA(驗證機構)->import. And enter the server.crt in your local folder. IE can be passed just click continue. You can also add an extra CA in IE.
  • Some useful ssl knowledge is available on http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/ssl/ssl_faq.html . That gives some example of how to use openssl to achieve many certificate things.